Negation Is The Consideration Of The Statement

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Basic Concept Of Negation

To assert a statement is to say that it is true and to deny it is to say that, it is false. Negation is the consideration of the statement which may be either an assertion or denial. If p is a statement then ~ p (rear as not p) will be its Negation. But if ~ p is a statement then p will be its Negation which we can also express ~(~ p) p. The following Truth table shows how when p is true, ~ p is false and vice-versa is also there.

An electronic circuit showing this type of relationship is as follows:

The above circuits shows that the electronical impulse passes from S1 to S2 in case of p and it will pass to S2 (S2 bar) and not to S2 in case of ~ p.

Double Negation is positive which can be verified from the following Truth Table.



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